"The positive integers do not lie, like the logical foundations of mathematics, in the scarcely visible distance, nor in the uncomfortably tangled foreground, like the immediate data of the physical world, but a decent middle distance, where the outlines are clear and yet some element of mystery remains...There is no one so blind that he does not see them, and no one so sharp-sighted that his vision does not fail; they stand there a continual and inevitable challenge to the curiosity of every healthy mind. I have merely directed your attention for a moment to a few of the less immediately conspicuous features of the landscape, in the hope that I may sharpen your curiosity a little, and that some may feel tempted to walk a little nearer and take a closer view."

G. H. Hardy

This is the course page for the TCC course Density Increment Methods in Additive Combinatorics, 2024.